I hail thee my own dear native land, at the heartland of Yakor nation, Ototobiloto, the true vine and progenitor of Yakorr-Ibe, without which Kekor is but only a part. Mkpani Ototoliloto, Eful obor libang the ancient habitation of proud, indomitable Warriors in ancestral Yakor forests Idem-ofo, whose crudely armed foot soldiers joining Edem Omiriakpa and in concert roll-spinned the rock crushing enmasse ferocious Akpa at Idomi hill. Shrewed Ekpe Porwa porwa, in the midst of wolves in sheep fur assigned to walk upon and plunder The pleasant pastures and mountains of thine heritage Mkpani Ototoliloto, of whom my grandfather use to always sonorously chant: Mkpani Ototobiloto Orkpe keti orpoi Eful obor Libang Kordorng ben Koryai Kural kosi ligai Ototobiloto my Mkpani, Lopon Jor kupo tamatam Ototobiloto wor osen oryi keti Awoibe ke kebe, apeyorbe Lortumapon jor Ibunukpabi Okpornorke Orkpitong Mkpani Idemofo, the very land of my birth Where I am obligated to live and ser...