Leboku is the annual new yam festival celebrated in Mkpani and Yakurr in general. It is the event that marks the traditional year of harvest and gratification for the successes in labour. It is also the period of reconciliation and sober reflection in which the past is reminiscence to the present and unto the future. The celebration always takes place from August, September and early October. In Mkpani, the celebration of Leboku festival normally takes place on September through October every year. Oral history attests the fact that Leboku had its origin from the culture and religion of the tribal communities of Ekoi tribe where Yakurr tradition of origin can be traced. First Fruit In Mkpani, it is traditional that before any person can harvest and eat a new yam, the Obol Lopon must first harvest and eat the new yam (Obol Lopon nor’woyee’ lojofi) which signifies the first traditional formalities for the new yam harvest. Processes: The Obol Lopon first harvest a tuber of yam, with his council of Chiefs. They sliced it as pieces of offering and take it to Obetedol (Royalty Matriclan of the town), Obol Lopon Palace with the following prayer. Obetedol! He called the names of the past traditional rulers, Today we will eat the new yams, Our hands should not pain us, No one belly should ache, Let Mkpani community be in peace, Let every Mkpani citizen be well, Let our children be born alive, Let good things come to Mkpani, Let peace be upon our children, Let outsiders recognize Mkpani community, The man who carries witchcraft against Mkpani let him die, Obetedol take a new yam! Then the Obol Lopon took a sliced raw new yam and put it in his toque, and a slice to each of the priests who put it to their tonque and drop it on the ground. They received blessings from the Obetedol and their breast are smeared with the sacred native chalk. When this is done, then any other person can harvest, eat and sell the new yam in the market. GET THE DETAILS FROM THE BOOK "OVERVIEW OF LEBOKU NEW YAM FESTIVAL AND THE ECONOMIC BASE OF MKPANI" Published by Eteng Obono Okoi.


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