INTRODUCTION: Yakurr nation like other nations in Nigeria had been a theatre for the dramatization of socio- political and cultural development since the beginning of history. Thus, from the earliest of time, it has remained a continuous process. Man irrespective of where he lives has enormously multiplied his knowledge and capacity to eke a living from nature, solve humans problems and govern her people though at varying degrees. Therefore, every ethnic group independently participated in the early conquest of his environment. This goes to suggest in effect that, every tribe in Nigeria can lay claims to political development. Yakurr as a nation is not an exception and indeed was among the major participants in the process in which human groups displayed enormous capacity to govern her people. Chew and Hand-Over Of ‘’Etun’’ (Kingly Sacred Chewing Stick) has became a major concern among students of History who are researching on the topic in the 21st Century. This is because, non-professionals in the field, out of passion for illusion and fantasy tent to deviate from the affirmative. Chew and Hand-Over Of ‘’Etun’’ (Kingly Sacred Chewing Stick) is an aspect of the sacred installation processes of core traditional rulers in Yakurr. It normally take place immediately after Aga’kepai (teeth breaking). According to Yakurr tradition, Etun is a sacred stick of blessing, power, beauty and influence. In a traditional Yakurr society, an Obol Lopon who has passed through the chewing of Etun process was seen as a legitimate and blessed king, full of power and influence from his mouth. It also adds beauty to the teeth by changing the colour of the teeth from white to black with a glittering reflection that shines to the admiration of his subjects. Yakurr tradition suggested three categories of traditional rulers who are in virtue of their position qualified by the tradition of origin of kingship of Yakurr to Chew the Sacred ‘’Etun’’ and hand it over to.. However, there are historical antecedence that led to the inclusion of Obol Omilakpa (Obol Komborka of Ugep)and Obol of Aduma (Obol Etel) in the case of Mkpani. They are: Obol Lopon. Okpebri Yanun Eko. Obol Omilakpa (Obol Komborka of Ugep) Obol of Aduma (Obol Etel) in the case of Mkpani. The most experienced person among them may perform the function of Chewing of ‘’Etun’’ (Kingly chewing stick) and hand-over during installation. Historical evidence attests the fact that, in the post-migration era, that is, after about 300 years ago, Aduma (Egei) people that were said to be a fraction that splits up from Okurubong’s faction during migration who wandered in search of homeland later, joined their brothers in the present Mkpani homeland. Oral history attests that they were in a situation that must be dealt with. Having wander-lust, they came in contact with Okurubong (Yakpanikpani) who had settled over centuries in their present homeland. Oral tradition reveals that the proximity of market within the Okurubong’s territory on “meat and snuff “and the attraction of vacant land was the cause of this “father and wife” relationship. The Egei (Aduma) people surrendered their incomparable and new created traditional leadership, though; they were assigned with ritual responsibilities for the sake of brotherliness.


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